
conference 2025

churches reaching the lost

Book now!

14-15 May 2025


Linda Allcock

The Globe Church

Sarah Bradley

Holy Trinity Platt

Jon Broome

Kingdom Bank

Efrem Buckle


Penny Clarke


Richard Coekin

Reach Ministries

Graham Daniels

Christians in Sport

Sarah Ebenezar

All Nations Barkingside & Clayhall

Ray Evans

FIEC leadership consultant

Andy Fenton

Music Ministry

Dave Gobbett

Highfields Cardiff

Dai Hankey

RED Community

Marcus Honeysett

Living Leadership

Paul Houghton

Kingdom Bank

Kathryn Jackson

Cornerstone Nottingham

Ed Kendall

St Michael’s Fulwell

James Lawrence


Richard Leadbeater

Dundonald Church

Pelé Ling

All Souls Langham Place

Gareth Loh

ChristChurch Harpenden

Jo McKee


Jeremy Moses

Grace London

Kev Murdoch

Euston Church

Neil Powell

The London Project

Julian Rebera

Grace Church Brighton

Steve Robinson

Cornerstone Liverpool

John Russell

Cornerstone Nottingham

Glen Scrivener

Speak Life

Ben Slee

Christ Church Mayfair

Gavin Smith


Mike Smith

St John’s Hartford

Jules Stroud

Christ Church Balham

Robin Sydserff

Proclamation Trust

Santhosh Thomas

St Andrew’s Wimbledon

Matt Waldock

City Church Manchester

Peter Wright

Growing Young Disciples

>>> for church leadership teams >>>

A conference uniquely…

With an innovative mix of…

Wednesday 14 May

09:00 Early Registration & Coffee
09:30 ESSENTIALS (pre-conference) – rehearsing our Reach foundational principles
10:30 Main Registration & Coffee
11:00 MAIN CONFERENCE OPENING – Welcome & worship
11:10 KEYNOTE – Churches reaching the lost
11:45 Commendations
11:50 SEMINAR options (Adaptive leadership; Engaging an urban community; Repentance in evangelism; Troubled denominational context; Soul health; Healthy staff team culture)
13:00 Lunch provided / discussion panel option
14:00 Worship
14:10 TED-style talks (Engaging millennials; Equipping parents; Language engagement; Prayer for mission)
15:05 Process & pray
15:15 Tea break
15:45 KEYNOTE – Effective Evangelistic Speaking
16:25 Worship and wrap up
16:35 Free time
19:00 EVENING SESSION : Reach Dinner – apologetics in preaching and mission [max 70 places]
21:00 Close

Thursday 15 May

09:00 Coffee
09:30 Welcome & Worship
09:35 INTERVIEWS – How are churches actually reaching the lost?
10:15 A Passion for Life
10:25 Coffee
10:55 CLINIC options (Kids & Youth; Property; Finance; Operations; Women’s ministry; Senior pastors)
12:10 TED-style talks – (Liberating social captives; Urban evangelism; Team culture)
12:50 Prayer
13:00 Lunch provided / Discussion panel option
14:00 SEMINAR options (Preparing a church for mission; Managing change; Handling tensions in teams; Expository preaching; Evangelistic courses)
15:15 KEYNOTE – Why do we need to lead our churches in evangelism?
15:45 Worship
15:55 Close


9.30-10.30am Wednesday
"Healthy gospel ministries are faithful & fruitful"
Rehearsing our Reach foundational principles. Especially valuable for leaders & teams new to Reach Conference.
Coffee and bacon rolls provided.

Day 1

11.00-4.30 Wednesday
Keynotes, TED talks and a wide range of seminars from experienced leaders, uplifting worship and lots of opportunities to connect with like-minded ministry teams.
Fully catered.

Reach Dinner

7.00-9.00pm Wednesday
Evening session
Enjoy a great meal with church leaders from across the UK and be part of a discussion on the place of apologetics and preaching in evangelism.
Limited to 70 places.

Day 2

10:00-3.45 Thursday
Keynotes, TED talks and a wide range of seminars and clinics provided by experienced leaders, uplifting worship and lots of opportunities to connect with like-minded teams.
Fully catered.


Reduced by 10% for team bookings and a further 5% as an early bird before 31 March…

full catering from the amazing Julia's Kitchen

getting there

Reach Conference is wholly hosted by Dundonald Church, 577 Kingston Road, London SW20 8SA.

We recommend public transport – closest station is Raynes Park, less than 10 minutes walk from the church building. Alternatively the 163 bus from Wimbledon Station takes 12 minutes and arrives right outside. 

It is 19 minutes from London Waterloo to Raynes Park by South West Trains or 16 minutes to Wimbledon.

Car parking is restricted on all the surrounding roads. If you do need to drive and require parking please get in touch to request advice at the time of booking. 

last year's
Reach Conference

"I really appreciated the balance between commending faithfulness and encouraging us to reflect on our fruitfulness."

"Amazing lunches and great opportunities to network and meet others in similar situations to myself."

"Great mix of talks, TED talks and seminars."

"It was incredible to see so many churches united in thinking seriously together about reaching the Nation."

"Loved the singing and the way the gathering seemed to cross multiple reformed evangelical networks."

"Engaging material across the board for a range of ministry contexts."