Financial management

What does good look like in terms of church finances? How can we be godly and effective in this area?

Key indicators to watch

Monthly givers

Is the total number of givers trending up or down?

Monthly giving

Is the total giving income trending up or down?

percentage givers

What proportion of potential giving units (esp within the membership) are giving regularly? Is that percentage trending up or down?

Gift Aid

What proportion of giving has Gift Aid applied? How well is the church utilising Gift Aid?

Cash Flow

What is the forecast for cash incoming versus outgoing for the next 12 months?

Budget V Actuals

Are income and spending in line with budgeted levels?

2 more instruments to have in place and check on periodically

☑️  Reserves policy – clear and agreed. What is the current actual level of reserve?

☑️ 5 year financial plan – credible and sufficiently detailed – e.g. for how long are you going to rely on reserves, what growth in giving is possible, what staffing will you need for growth, what are two or three possible scenarios, how can you avoid having to sack several staff in 3 years’ time?

Other metrics you may want to keep an eye on

  • The spread of your giving – are 20% giving 80% or is it more equally distributed?
  • Proportion of budget spent on staffing and on mission giving – is the church polity happy with these proportions and what is the extent of these budget commitments – i.e. how quickly and to what extent could these budget lines be reduced if necessary?
  • How do giving trends compare with economic and demographic trends? – e.g. how is giving compared to inflation or growth in wages or change in age profile? Do these factors partly explain trends in giving or is giving performing better/worse than you would expect?

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